Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring break is for . . .

It was very hard to drag myself back to work today, after the fabulous spring break! I even got up at 5 to run, & my body was not excited. At all.

Spring break is for:
  • Hanging out with the family on the beach.
  • Bike rides to the candy shop in town
  • Drinking margaritas with my lovely husband
  • And running! Last was my highest mileage (ever, I think, but definitely in the last year). I did 35 miles!!!
And because I'm a slacker & haven't posted in forever, here are some pictures from Easter:

My boys!

Me with my lovely sister:

Typical dorkiness:

Nick, playing frisbee on the beach

I did an 11 mile run on Saturday, & uploaded my MP3 player right before I left the house. I foolishly didn't check it before I took off for my run, so guess how many songs I had? Two songs. For 11 miles. I'm pretty sure it was karmic retribution for my poor taste in music that I listened to Nicki Minaj "Starships" & Pitbull "Give Me Everything" on repeat.

More to come - my first half is in less than one month! So excited/nervous!!!

Are you taking any spring trips? Watching the Boston Marathon?


  1. Wow, 2 songs for 11 miles. That sounds like torture. Are you sick of them now:)

  2. Starships is a good song bahaha. True story-for my first half marathon I listened to Party Rock Anthem for the entire race on repeat. HA! I've had ipod blunders as well but way to get through!

    1. I once did a whole running listening to one song on repeat and barely noticed. Must have been a good song!

  3. Oh man, only 2 songs for 11 miles?? That's rough! I think I would have just chosen silence at that point. :)

  4. I would never be able to listen to those songs again.:) You and your sis are adorable!
